Elements of the Environment

On-Site Training Module

This module was developed as part of the California Department of Education/Child Development Division School-Age Training Project and was revised in 2017 to incorporate specific language, examples and tips for summer and year-round learning programs.

There are three essential out-of-school time program environments; indoor, outdoor, and the interpersonal.  This training will help staff to enhance the out-of-school time program environment for children and youth. 

In this training participants will:

  • Built skills to use all environments effectively.
  • Identified a variety of ways to enhance the out-of-school time program environments for children and youth.

Content Overview:

Training Introduction

Trainer gives broad overview of training topic to familiarize participants with important background information.

The Indoor Environment

Participants will examine their program's indoor environment and the intentionality of its design. They will look at the environment for appropriateness, as a space that promotes positive behavior, and the challenges that it may add to the program.

The Outdoor Environment

Participants will look at their outdoor activities, considering positive changes that can be made, like moving some indoor activities outside.

The Interpersonal Environment

Participants will role-play positive strategies for interacting with children/youth, giving them time to practice appropriate techniques and when to use them.

Creating An Action Plan

Focuses on creating a plan with a timeline for strengthening participant's program environments. 

Training Length: 2 hours

eLearning Module

Out-of-school time environments are usually considered in three broad areas: indoor, outdoor and interpersonal.

Indoor environments: These are an important part of your program. This is where children and youth spend a large amount of time, and the indoor environment sends important messages to the children, youth, and adults who enter the space.

Outdoor environments: These spaces take equal amounts of intentional planning and effort as indoor spaces. Many activities traditionally considered indoor activities can be successfully converted into outdoor activities.

Interpersonal Environment: Children’s and youth’s views about themselves and the world are strongly influenced by their interactions with others around them. Because of the messages that children and youth receive about themselves during those interactions, staff should be very conscious of and intentional about the ways in which they interact with program participants and each other. These interactions are the foundation for creating a safe emotional environment.

By the end of this module, participants will:

  • Examine the indoor, outdoor and interpersonal environments of their program.
  • Gain knowledge on how to use all environments effectively.
  • Identify a variety of ways to enhance the out-of-school time environment for children and youth.